Script ini masih bisa dikembangkan sesuai keperluan anda, misalnya berhubungan dengan database.<? $t=time(); echo($t . "<br /> Sekarang tanggal: "); echo(date("D, d F Y",$t)); ?> <br><br><br> <?<a title="php" href="">php</a> // Change this to the day in the future $day = 12; // Change this to the month in the future $month = 9; // Change this to the year in the future $year = 2011; // You do not need to edit below this line // $days is the number of days between now and the date in the future $days = (int)((mktime (0,0,0,$month,$day,$year) - time())/86400); echo "Masih ada $days hari, sampai tanggal $day/$month/$year"; ?>
Semoga Bermanfaat!
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